Some traditional beauty potions from various regions in Indonesia ( Tips Tricks )

Some traditional beauty potions from various regions in Indonesia
Some traditional beauty potions from various regions in Indonesia ( Tips Tricks ) 432

Scrub YellowFragrant pandan contains basic ingredients, rice starch, turmeric, and Intersection dribbles. Yellow scrubs come from the island of Java and is used as a treatment to maintain smoothness and beauty of the skin.
Yellow scrubs helpful to cleanse the body of impurities and exfoliate the dead skin on the body so that the skin looks clean. Besides scrub softens, refreshes and softens the skin and keeps natural fragrant scent.
Mix the basic ingredients and spices, such as rice flour, turmeric, temugiring, pandan, until smooth. After that, and apply to all parts of the body as she rubbed. Let stand for 30 minutes until a yellow scrubs pervasive throughout the skin, then rinse with warm water.
bedda lotongBedda lotong comes from the word meaning scrub Bugis black or black powder. Bedda lotong used by women Bugis before entering marriage. Made from rice roasted until charred, then crushed and mixed herbs such as ginseng and cinnamon.
Bedda lotong used like a scrub is massaged into the entire body and allowed to stand for 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.
Black scrubs this is the secret of the charm of female skin smoothness which is also beneficial to maintain the elasticity of the body and enlighten him.
CreamHailing from the island, Boreh is a type of scrubs that are used by Balinese women to warm the body, relieve colds, accelerate blood circulation, and relieve aches well as detoxification.
Made from a diverse mix of spices, namely lemongrass, sandalwood, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, black rice, and coconut oil. Blend all ingredients, then smeared throughout the body. As a result, the skin shine brighter. Accompanied with a massage that is useful for blood circulation. Boreh also useful help to relax muscles that are tired to be back in shape.
Cold PressedCold powder concoction is not foreign in Indonesia. Beauty treatments hereditary varies in each region. Some use wheat flour, there is also rice flour mixed with rose water, or a mixture of yam.
From the first, cold powder commonly used by women who have entered puberty to maintain the beauty, nourish and maintain a healthy skin. The process of making that easy to make a cold powder is used as a daily treatment.
How to make it, soak the rice for two weeks, then rice pounded and pulverized into powder. After it was mixed with rose water and then made small dots.
If you want to use, dots of cold powder should be thawed using rose water. Then smeared face. To smooth the skin, add turmeric collision.

BatimungOne of the rites pretty typical South Kalimantan were conserved until now is a steam bath Batimung. Process steam bath is reserved for women before the wedding ceremony.
Before doing Batimung or steam bath, it must first do scrub of powder wadak which is often also referred to as Mangir fragrant. Mangir fragrance made from rice kencur coupled with other natural materials that contain perfumes. Then, the bride or that will make the process Batimung shrouded in a thick cloth. Mixed materials such as rice, kencur, cinnamon, lime, pandanus, vetiver and orange leaves boiled and the vapor diurapkan throughout the body cloaked in a cloth until the steam exhausted herb.
Batimung serves to provide a smooth long lasting effects on the body, eliminating body odor, and detoxifies the body to more fresh and bright.
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