7 Secrets of Natural Beauty As Princess
Indonesecret - Princess palace of the period prior to the wide variety of modern cosmetic she still has a beautiful face. Turns beauty obtained from a wide variety of traditional and natural treatments. Well we should mencontohnya they can be beautiful only by drug and cosmetic Hebal. Fortunately, the princess palace provides tips - these beauty tips for generations until now.
But unfortunately, many ladies present era, has left the way - the natural way and prefer instant and rapid manner by using modern tools. Indeed, modern cosmetic use tools and faster, but if we choose the wrong one will end up with a variety of skin problems. So instead of getting pretty opposite broke.Ala pretty princess palaceNatural Beauty Tips and traditional-style palace princessOfferings beautiful princess palace For this time I will give you tips style palace is beautiful from start to toe to head. So you can do it while relaxing weekend or while on vacation. So without further ado again now that we immediately wrote to the beautiful tips
1. Smoothing FaceHow to whiten face with Papaya
2. Nourish Hair
Daun Lidah Mertua / Sansevieria
Hair that crowns the woman, may face dah not pretty - pretty eh hair dreadlocks, creased. Moreover, if the old lady bun mean it should be nice and long hair. From the far - away to salon asked for better fertility drugs to make yourself at home how to make mashed leaves are tongue-in-law as a hair mask or scrub -gosokan on the hair every day for sure you will have thick hair.
3. Soften and Eliminate Body Odor
Red Rose
How to Eliminate Body Odor with Red Roses Red roseTry a bath with roses, bawar has a fragrant smell that makes our bodies become fragrant. Surely you clay, a great deal even advertising images or photos and movies that show princess palace san bath using water and a sprinkling of red roses. Collect red roses and input into the water bath we will use a bath please allow some time. Not only do we Bagusnyasih bath but while bathing.
4. Whiten SkinHow to Whiten Skin with Avocado
Apukat / Alpukat
5. Slimming Body
6. Redden LipsHow to redden Lip
7. whiten teeth and Eliminate Bad Breath
Daun Sirih
How to Whiten Teeth Naturally with Daun SirihBetel leafIt is also very important not possible fitting laughing princess palace yellow teeth. usually the age - old love Nyepah (like eating foods containing herbs fitting when eaten out of the color red) was really good because it can strengthen and make teeth whiter and healthier. Material - the material is usually a betel leaf ginger etc.
Try returning kemasa where our ancestors lived. Not to forget the wide range of traditions that have been granted for generations because it is very much beneficial. Dizaman might now prefer to use materials that are practical and not complicated but actually causes damage and less good. Most do not do the above tips once a week and feel the benefits.How a sentence already know right now Secret of Beauty Ala Putri Keraton, materials - natural bahannyapun without having to add any chemical substance. Resikonyapun very small so if we were to make your own natural ingredients. If there are dissatisfied try to give you advice dikolom our comments. Thank you for listening to this article, may help.