Benefits of 'Temulawak' For Health Herbal Medicine From Indonesia

Benefits of 'Temulawak' Curcuma xanthorrhiza For Health Herbal Medicine From Indonesia

Benefits of 'Temulawak' For Health Herbal Medicine From Indonesia

The word "Temu" is often mentioned in our daily lives, there is a missed appointment, a meeting ground, Intersection Intersection Intersection buffoonery and others. This time it will be reviewed on curcuma, curcuma not be interpreted in the context of word-perkata but buffoonery in the context of plant names. Did you know about a plant buffoonery ?. Surely many already know what plants buffoonery, but did not rule out there who still lay knowledge of buffoonery. For those who want to know more about the buffoonery read the following review.
Temu Lawak or Curcuma xanthorrhiza  is a plant that produces rhizomes or root tuber that has efficacy as an herbal plants (herbs). Plants that have a Latin name Curcuma Roxb xanthorrhiza included in member gingers. Wild Ginger is native to Indonesia. This plant life in the plains of the island of Maluku, Java and Kalimantan.
This plant has many names, because in a few different areas in calling this plant. For example ginger in an area called the meeting labak Madura, while in the Sunda called the meeting koneng. Ordinary ginger fertile ground is fertile life, and can live up to an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. Buffoonery root tuber is dark yellow, or brown. Wild Ginger has a distinctive odor, usually root tubers 15cm in diameter and 6 cm long.
The content of the Curcuma
Buffoonery contained in many chemical compounds that the body needs. At the ginger rhizome are turmerol and fellandrean known as oil evaporate. In the ginger rhizome also contains essential oils (essential oils can be used as a suppressant tissue swelling, and increase the production of bile); kurkuminoid (kurkuminoid consists of desmetoksikurkumin and curcumin. Curcumin serves as acnevulgaris, as anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) and anti hipototoksik (anti poisoning bile). Desmetoksikurkumin and curcumin has many benefits such as neutralizing toxins, lowers cholesterol, increases the secretion of bile and much again).
There are so many substances that have the potential to make ginger bear to mneyembuhkan various diseases. Among these substances are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, iron, and mangnesium. It is the mention of ginger is often used as the main ingredient of traditional medicine in Indonesia.
Some of the benefits of ginger for the body are:

Smooth milk
Drinking ginger water could launch and increase milk. How very convenient membuatnyapun mashed or grated ginger and then boiled. How to drink mixed with one tablespoon of honey in a glass of water containing ginger later in drink every morning and evening.

Counteract free radicals
So many nutrients that can counteract free radicals so that the health benefits of ginger for this body can make the body more immune condition of diseases. The content kurkuminoid very nice to dissolve blood fats. So with regular drinking ginger can drive away bad cholesterol and lowering triglycerides.

Keeping liver function
Kalogoga contained in ginger is also a big influence maintain healthy liver function. Heart health benefits of ginger for this function to set the work how to produce bile in the liver and bile as a trigger so that the content is empty.

Ginger can also treat heart
Some people are having problems with her heart. By regularly drinking water is boiled ginger heart problems can be overcome. Benefits of ginger for heart health has been done since the time of the ancestors. And turmeric is one very effective herbal medicine to cure it.

Maintain healthy kidneys
Curcuma also alternative herbal medicine to cope with kidney disease. Work kidney problems can be treated by drinking turmeric. Benefits of ginger for very large kidney health is so worth the try for those of you who are in trouble with his kidneys.

Lymph disease drug
This disease can be treated with a processed ginger rhizome. How to prepare 2 rhizome buffoonery; ½ rhizome laos (galangal); 1 handful of leaves meniran. Grate the ginger buffoonery and then all the ingredients in a stew with 1 liter of water to the boil. Then filtered and drunk. Drink as much as one day one caangkir.
Asthma disease drug
Asthma or shortness of breath can be treated with ginger rhizome. You do this by setting up one-half of ginger rhizome and one piece of palm sugar. Buffoonery thinly sliced ​​and dried. Dried ginger are boiled with 5 cups water plus sepiotong palm sugar, until the leaves 3 cups. After it is filtered and ready to drink.
Mag pain medications
An ulcer which is a pain that has grown in popularity alias illness that affects many people can be treated with ginger. You do this by taking one of ginger rhizome. T1 rhizome curcuma sliced, then aerated briefly. Furthermore boiled with 5 to 7 cups water to boil. Strain then drink one times a day 1 cup.
Increase appetite
In addition to medicinal properties, plant curcuma also merit increase appetite. You do this by setting up two rhizome curcuma, a quarter of galangal rhizome, and a handful of leaves meniran. If all the ingredients are ready, boil all ingredients with 3 cups water to boil, until the remaining 2 cups, then filtered. Drink half a cup 2 times a day.
It turns out a root known as turmeric can cure diseases such as mild to dangerous heart. Benefits of ginger for health have often discussed. Everyone does not hesitate to use it. Processing is easy to make ginger alternative medicine that is simple and easy to spot. Therefore, before you go to the doctor make use of plants that are around you first overcome the disease you are suffering rather than spend a lot of money went to the doctor. If there is a cost to utilize herbal plants Why should a doctor with the expensive cost.
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